oh dear


steve and i are on a break. i am calling it a break because i want to. we are actually broken up, but as i am not sure of how permanent this state of affairs will be "break" will work. he is an ass. anyone who has heard me all week will know why. for the first time ever, i am refraining from disclosing all on cyberspace. not that it matters, the traffic to this blog is slow, but nonetheless, there is still room for privacy.

on more exciting news (no it's not, but it keeps me busy) i have an interview with the void for the position of web editor tomorrow afternoon. my Dad is going to drive me in and then go meet Arianna at Fly (corner of Fort and Ste-Catherine) for a while. i had better learn some html quick.

i will be going out to dinner tonight. maybe actually getting some work done after that. it would be a thought. the paper's only due on tuesday. it's gonna suck. does anyone think i will be able to connive an extension: "i broke up with my boyfriend of six and a half years over the week-end…"

some of you are T.A.s…would you give me an extension? would i have to cry? i can cry.

6 thoughts on “oh dear

  1. If you need to talk at all heather, feel free to call anytime. I hope it’s not too painful, though I can’t even begin to imagine. You just keep doing your thing and you write that paper on Petrarch. K-dizzle will give you an extension if you show him you’ve done substantial work (dazzle him with a bit of latin and you’re set). Good luck Feather, you’ll make it through this.

  2. I don’t see why not. I managed to have an extension when my boyfriend of 8 years and me had a huge, really huge, fight last december, before my final paper for a class. They can be really comprehensive on sensitive subject like this.

  3. I’m sorry to hear about your boyfriend… I would give you an extension … but I’m not allowed to do anything relating to marking. 🙂

    If you need to learn HTML, I’d point you to “Head First HTML”. The Head First series is by far the best collection of books _ever_ for technical subjects. They read more like children’s books, but they’re chock full of info that you can RETAIN. (See Head First Labs for more info or try to take it out from a library!) Good luck on the interview!

  4. I think it’s time for you and I to meet up and talk. I’m free tommorrow during the day, saturday evening, weds through sunday before 6pm.

    Whatever it is, break or break up, I just want you to be happy Heather. Also I’m here if you need a shoulder to cry on or punch, or a ear to rant or talk to. I’m here for you.

    Be frank and truthful with your TA and I can see an extention in your future.

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